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Abortion/ Miscarriage.

First of all we should know what is abortion and the types of abortion and the possible Homoeopathic medication for such abortions.

The expulsion of the fetus prior to the seventh month of pregnancy is called miscarriage or abortion. If occurring after that period and before the ninth month, it is called premature labor. Miscarriage or abortion most frequently occurs between the eighth and twelfth week of gestation. When once it has taken place, it is extremely liable to recur in subsequent pregnancies about the same period.

Types of Abortions or miscarriage:

Threatened Abortion: The symptoms of threatened abortion are slight vaginal bleeding, slight pain and no dilatation of cervix. Apart from medication, absolute rest is required. The symptoms may subside and pregnancy continues or may worsen and lead to

1. Inevitable abortion: symptoms include severe bleeding unbearable pain, recognizable uterine contractions and dilatation of cervix.

2 .Complete abortion: the products of conception are expelled from the body

3. Incomplete Abortion: some part of the product of conception are expelled, usually, the placenta is retained.

4. Missed abortion: This is also called as Carneous mole or blood mole or fleshy mole. In this condition all the products of conception are retained. The pregnancy separates from the uterus and dies, but is not ejected. There will be slow oozing of blood and the gestation sac gradually becomes surrounded by layers of blood clots. Ultimately, the products of conception will be expelled spontaneously without any danger or difficulty. sleeved maid of honor wears that is modest and conservative

5. Septic abortion: this is caused due to infection in the uterus. Pyrexia. In such cases, sepsis to be treated first and then only evacuate uterus.

6. Ectopic miscarriage: where an egg implants somewhere other than in uterus, usually in fallopian tubes, miscarriage happens.

When a sequence of three or more spontaneous abortions is taken place, then it is called as Habitual abortion.

Most miscarriages or abortions are also due to the natural health and inexorable problems. Certain following factors can cause abortions.

1 .Radiation exposure
2. Alcohol addiction
3. Drug addiction
4. Smoking
5. Trauma
6. under weight or over weight
7. Chronic diseases like diabetes, thyroid
8. Age factor

Treatment (Leading Symptoms)

1. Aconite: Threatened miscarriage in consequence of fright, the fear still remaining. Hemorrhage, with fear of death. Great fear and anxiety of mind, with great nervous excitability. Dizziness on rising from a recumbent position. Feverish and restlessness.

2. Arnica: After a fall, blow or concussion, especially if labor pains set in, with discharge of blood or serous mucus. Bruised parts after labor. Violent after pains. Uterine hemorrhage from mechanical injury after coition. Feeling as if fetus were lying crosswise.

3. Cantharis: Threatened abortion from congestion or ulceration of the cervix uteri. Retention of placenta. Constant inclination to urinate.

4. Caulophyllum: Threatened miscarriage, with severe pain in back and loins, but uterine contractions feeble; slight flow. Protracted lochia.

5. Chamomilla: Uterine hemorrhages. Profuse discharge of clotted, dark blood with labor like pains. Spasmodic unbearable labor pains press upward. Violent pains in the bowels extending to the sides with urination. Hot perspiration about the head.

6. Pulsatilla: Labor like pains alternating with hemorrhage. The discharge is arrested for a little while and returns heavily. Suffocative spells and craves fresh air. Worse in a closed, warm room. Pain in back

7. Hyoscyamus: Miscarriage with spasms or convulsions of whole body. Discharge of light red blood with labor like pains. Twitching and jerking of single muscles or limbs. Spasms of pregnant women. Puerperal mania.

8.Secale cor: Threatened abortion in later months. Especially after miscarriage, copious flow of black liquid blood, worse from least exertion. Great debility, feeble, almost extinct pulse. Passive hemorrhages in feeble, cachectic women. Burning pains in uterus. Mostly threatened abortion about the third month. During labor no expulsive action, though everything is relaxed.

9.Sabina: Threatened abortion in early months. Violent dragging pains extending from back to pubis. Discharge profuse consisting of bright red, partly fluid and partly clotted blood. Feeling sinking and faintness In abdomen. Most beneficial to women who habitually miscarry at third month.

10. Aletris farinosa Q : An anemic, relaxed condition, especially of the female organism, is portrayed by this remedy. Marked anemia. Chlorotic girls and pregnant women. Uterus seems heavy, prolapse, with pain in right inguinal region. Leucorrhoea due to weakness and anemia. Habitual tendency to abortion. Muscular pains during pregnancy. For strengthening uterus and pregnancy best medicine.

11.Viburnum Opulus Q: Pains from back to loins and womb worse early morning. Aching in sacrum and pubes, with pain in anterior muscles of thighs; Smarting and itching of genitals. Faint on attempting to sit up. Frequent and very early miscarriage causing seeming sterility. Sudden cramps and colic pains in abdomen. Frequent urging for urination.

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